Mean Shadows
I'm not in control.
Why is it so hard to tell your friends that their hurting your feelings? Why do they never understand what you're trying to say to them? Am I just really terrible at talking to people and for some reason they don't understand what i'm saying? Its likely i guess. I just put way too much into things and then just wind up getting hurt because I'm too sensitive about it. Maybe I just need to learn to be more hard hearted.
Labels: Friends, Joslyn, lamezors, sensitivity
Is there anyone else out there that just sits and thinks about garbage? and just does garbage things? hangs out with garbage people? has a garbage job? is there anyone out there that isn't actually a garbage person, but completely has a garbage life? I think there is.
All in all, I'm glad that I gave it all up. As much as I miss my once friend, it isn't worth it to stick to something for someone else. So many people judge you for the choices that you make in life, but when it comes down to it, its completely unfair that they do. Whatever choice that you have to make, or had to make, was chosen for a reason, they cannot judge you for it.... because it's free will.
I once walked with someone without tears in my eyes, or fear in my heart.
All great stories usually begin with, "once upon a time" or "One rainy day in April" or "On a blustery day in mid September" but this one does not. It isn't a great story, and nor will it make for a great memory. All this will do is teach me a lesson.
Labels: I
Labels: Sheena
A realization that something that once meant the world to her, is now just a distant memory that she doesn't care about. It seems as if life has started over, and everything has been reset, a second chance has been provided, with a heart thats ready for something fresh.. something that is already there, waiting to be hers...
Its scary to me to realize that the people you think are the strongest, can sometimes be the most lost. Is it only because you want to see that person as your stronghold that when they break down your so shocked? What do you do to help someone that you've never had to help before? I guess sacrifice is what it comes down to. The people you love are the ones you need to stand up for.
Somehow she wondered if it would ever be the same. Where would she go from where she stood? What would they say? A song rang through her head constantly, making her wonder if she could ever be the way she was before. The once strong person that could help anyone was the one that needed all the help that she could get. All that was left was a crumbled and broken person, and wondering if there was any glue to put her back together. She didn't want to be left alone any longer.. but would they want to help? this question repeated.. and she began to cry.
Is there an actual point in somones life that they realize that all they do is hurt people? It may sound synnical, but why care so much about other peoples problems? Not to be taken in a cold hearted way, a good friend will always be there to listen, but why is it that some will blatently be your best friend one day, and completely turn their back on you the next. Instead of being happy because of progress you have made, they spread rumours about you! It comes down to being too worried about other peoples problems. All you really can do is listen and put in your two cents from past experiances.. nothing more will make it different. In the end, it really isn't your choice to make, there are rules that everyone bends and breaks.. but really its your heart that matters in the end, not what other people think. People change.. Hearts change.. Opinions change.. its a part of life, and sometimes it happens fast... before you get so interested in someone else's problem.. maybe you can take a look at yourself first.
The turrential rain has continued. While i'm sitting here looking out the window, three rainbows are visible, and the sun glistens off every raindrop. While looking at the sky, I can see every drop fall.. but there is no way to capture it. Its daytime and i can see the origin of a single bolt of lightning.. and the deafening thunder strikes. The Vehement storm continues.....
Is there really a time in everyone's life that they can see things turning around for the better? Does everyone get that luxuary? Or is it just that you will just go through days upon days unhappy and miserable, and then suddenly one day you're happy again? There were too many thoughts running through her head to even make a decision. Sleep had also become a luxuary she was deprived of.
Don't be fooled, this is no special occasion, I was reading through the earlier blogs and I simply felt the need to do a "best of"... so boys and girls.. here it comes, favorite sentences and statements from the last year and a bit.. hold on to your pants...
I think there comes a time in everyones carrier when they look in the staff fridge, see beer, and ask themselves if it would be wrong to take 6 of them and drink them at their desk. "perhaps I should just bring that bottle of whisky to work tomorrow" they'll say. I say, it doesn't really matter folks, either way you're getting hammered! so,.. take the free beer, keep the whisky at home... you'll need it!
Confusion beckons you ... I can see it. You think about your life and the situation your in and wonder. The confusion continues to beckon, but now it's moved to other areas of your life, plaguing them as well. And then not only are you plagued by confusion, but affliction as well. The days pass and you search for solace, but there is none to be found. Your life has become a constant vexation, and you start to crumble. Everything seems to be falling apart, but instead of letting it happen.. you dispute it. Remove everything until the confusion goes away. Until this affliction has succumb. Until this vexation has expired. But what is really expendable.. your love? your life? your self? This isn't the way, you must think.. back before the confusion... where did this dilemma begin?
It seems that everything is relative. Candy can be sweet, but so much sweetier when tasted after the bitter. The heat is so much warmer after coming in from the cold. But is love really better after your heart has been broken?
It seems there is nothing left to say in what has seem to become a run on sentence. When will this end? I'm tired of it.
I always think that saying "what if" is useless. But what if we had never decided to go to the meeting that day? Things could be different.
Its funny how different trials in your life affect you. Something that you thought would be the hardest thing to get over, is really not that hard. In fact, it seems so easy you wonder why you didn't change the situation so much earlier. At the same time though, they're so important, if you hadn't been in that situation, you most likely wouldn't be where you are now. Obviousley this could be good or bad. I disagree when people say "everything happens for a reason" when referring to 'fate.' You decide your own life, how happy or sad or enjoyable it is, its up to you! Yes, everything does happen for 'a reason' and that reason is the decisions that we've made.
She looked around, dissapointed in the others. She had lost something, but it definatley wasn't her conviction. Frustrated that she had failed where everyone else had seemed to be succeeding. But why? Because she would not forfit her opinion?! It didn't make sense to her, but at the same time it did. Because he still loved her, in a way she hadn't lost.
With each day that passes comes new challanges. With every hour she dies a little bit more inside. And it seems she can feel her heart breaking. Nothing seems exciting, and even the thought of mustering up enough energy to walk around seems impossible. It's all wrong, and with each lingering thought of him.. she cries a little bit more. Not even pretending to be ok seems to work. The face she puts on looks like a paper mache mask, one that was very poorly done. Without hesitation she'll wear it, most likely for a long time.
Salty tear drops trickled into her coffee cup as she sat there listening. REALITY... it had struck once again, not for the first time in her life. A sad silence had come over her life for a while, no knocking at the door, no laughing on the street. Her life had been filled with frustration and confusion. It seemed to be a constant game, one where she didn't know the rules. Everyone told her that she was cheating herself, but she didn't see how. Short cuts through here, and dodging bullets over there, and waiting.... always waiting. How long could she really wait to be noticed?
I find it hilarious when people get into the elevator, push the button and then proceed to STARE at the buttons, all the way up to 36! There are TV's in our elevators they pretty much have the news, and it repeats the same thing until about 2 and then the evening news starts to come up. I have wittnessed a man practically being crushed by a door because he wanted to finish reading the news. ITS NOT LIKE IT WOULDN"T BE THERE IN TEN MINUTES! Our elevators also say that they can fit 22 people, but I have a very hard time believeing this as when you get ten in there its cramped. Perhaps it was a typo and then ment to write 22 children.
I heard you blaming me... for the things you have done. The mistakes you have made, and the reasons you have made them. I heard you tell him that its my fault, that if not for me.. things would be different.
The question of the day seemed to be "how were your holidays?" This seemed to be a simple enough question, although she had a hard time answering it. It seems that she always has troubles answering questions like this. A period of time where things have gone up and down can only be described as mediocre. But no one wants to hear anything but "it was great!"
As everyone got ready to enjoy the season, she sat there.. confused on how to feel. Happy that he was ok, but afraid for what could happen. It seems that so many enjoy the season, get excited for it, family and the like... but this always seemed to be the time when she was at her worst. Maybe it was that "new Beginning" that everyone talked about, but she feared so much. But maybe the new year would bring along a new life, a busier one..
He had told her everything, and she had expected the worst. It wasn't the end, but it would be a change. She had found a diamond with a flaw, and wasn't about to throw it away. It should have had a greater value, but that didn't make it worthless. If nobody had flaws then the world would be a different place.
As She reflected on the weekend she found herself feeling lost, alone and confused. She didn't know if she should trust him or not. Perhaps it actually wasn't really a question of trust, but maybe more of a suspicion. A long line of phone calls and answering machines left her worring about him. What had he been up to? Was there a specific reason that he was avoiding her? Her questions remained unanswered... and were constantly pestering her. She told herself that somewhere there was an answer, but she didn't know how to find it.
When does dissatisfation with yourself turn into the complete distruction of your life?
Now to you this may sound like someone lost their chocolate bar, or perhaps they're chocolate cake, or maybe someone stole their chocolate raisins. But I am not talking about cake or raisins. As they walked into safeway on a lovely November evening, she admitted she had been craving chocolate milk. They went to the back, picked up eggnog, silk and some chocolate milk. (Now you may be thinking that this is turning out to be a very boring story, but there may be a turn of events)
As the man sat there in his chair in front of her, she wondered.... "what is he doing... he's kinda creepy looking, IS HE PLAYING WITH HIS ZIPPER!?!?!?!" Yes these are the things that went through her head as he sat there, and as he walked away, weird sweater and all.. she was left smirking.
As We sat in a busy resturaunt one ordinary day, we coulden't help but evesdrop on the table approximatley one foot away from ours. "So, I'm getting very tired of these casino's, he's always going and wasting his money" Said the Sad Indecisive Mother. (we'll call her SIM) At this point she starts to tell the other women the story about how her 18 ear old son is always going to the casino and wasting money, etc. After listening to the story the Women in Black.(WIB) says to the SIM, "Well you know, in my house when someone lives there they have to live by my rules. When I say 'no more casino's' , there will be no more casino's." After this their conversation seems to get quite boring, we notice that they are all drinking water with lime and have all ordered the same thing. We talk etc, when again their conversation becomes interesting.
One fine day a lonely girl walked down the street. Wondering if those blue eyes would ever return to her, if the dream she had dreamed would come back to her. Could any song bring him back? Could any tale make him understand her feelings? She had once been filled with glimmer and shine, but now all remained was a battered soul with what only seemed to be bad dreams ahead. The days go by and she ages, the girl she was before... she has still not returned.
I was walking down the street the other day, i saw the homeless man mentioned previousley, his dog was gone... i wonder what happened to it, maybe it died.. or maybe he ran away..
Well this weekend we took the much needed trip to Edmonton. It's always good when you get the chance to get out and do a little bit of dressup, partying... and yes.. watching napoleon Dynamite. I definatley think i should read the book "Sciences and Centaurs." Anyway... not too much to say... here is a picture of my hot friends. Yes.. it is true.. you all missed out! Yay, we get cable on Wednesday... HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!
Today, Intrigued by the resemblence between so many different people, I came up with a new Blog idea. A new character, or person that intrigues me in some way. Could be a friend, family, someone from the past or just a stranger walking on the street.
Once upon a time there was a girl and her sister. We will call these two girls Maj and Neesha. So one morning Maj and Neesha were getting ready to go to work, everything going fine... listening to music drinking coffee, the usual. They go out to the car, SCRAPE off that THICK calgary Frost and start driving.
As She walked down the street one frightfully cold day in September, she realized that she had come to a fork in the road in her life. One where she would make very important decisions, and let go of some mistakes she had made in the past. As it happens every year, She'll let go of that one relationship that actually didn't matter, and move on to the one she has now. The decision to be happy with life, and accept herself for who she was and who she will be. Never to pretend to be something else, for he will need to see the true person she is.
As she sat there at her desk of her Medeokre job the thought about times passed. About the last "job." Thoughts of merching in the field, the infamous "bell." and the saying "JUICE." A smile swept across her face while thinking about these bygones. It was definatley a good time, always striving to be something better, and always competing with someone else. It was always there! Now she sits in an office, typing up shipping documents and answering a telephone, loading printers with paper and toners. Watching her life drift away in to an oblivious blunder of weeks and weekends filled with nothing. There's always that time when you start to think "will my life ever mean anything?"
Lately I've been noticing the copious amounts of TAPERED JEANS AND PANTS!!! Seriousley now.. what is with the tapered pants? and how exacltey to people get them on? The other day i was in play.. and it was seriously disturbing how many girls were wearing tapered jeans. The story gets sadder when guys start wearing OLD tapered jeans.. like.. the ones from the early nineties it seems where they're BAGGY and tapered.. oh its just so sad! Thank heaven some people in the world still have style. Also, our good friend Sarah has noticed the tapered jeans catastrophe, and i quote "He was wearing tapered jeans... ON OUR SECOND DATE" Now really boys, don't break out the tapered jeans until the girl can't run away from you because of your poor quality in style. You have to resist the urge until you are at least dating and she needs a good reason to get rid of you, not that tapered jeans isnt a good reason.
There's something misterious about looking out a window and seeing what seems to be a white wall, looking at a man that is frowning and smiling at the same time. The little dog who's mouth is closed but his tongue still hangs out.
I've come today to tell you only one thing.
If you have a weak stomach, or even just a stomach that isn't strong, i suggest you skip this blog and move on to the next one.
I really dont feel like telling a story. To many that will most likely be very strange because I almost am always telling a story. Firstly i would like to say that i may in the near future be making a trip to Panoka so if anyone would like to join in on the mental fun join along. Our Tour guide "Sheena" will be giving us a tour of our new home in the Panoka Mental hospital. Now.. i MUST recomend before going to Panoka, the JOSEPH ARTHUR - OUR SHADOWS WILL REMAIN cd. This Cd may just make you feel amazing inside, more amazing then i feel now. Now, for all of you reading this, i also recomend that you visit the Wes McDonell Website ( ) and listen to this music as well, cd's are now on sale at cd baby and you can get the link from this website. Now if you will excuse me.. i must try and prepare for the future as this trip to Panoka may be a stressful one!
Being an avid Coffee Drinker of Starbucks, I constantly see the "The Way I See it" quotes. Today's was particularly good, so i have decided to quote a quote. I really like this one, give you a little bit of hope and satisfaction at the same time!
Anyway... i dont have much to say, this is my encouragement t shirt. So, i bid you adeiu.. and most likely, no one even reads this anymore...... but thats ok... its means somiething TO ME... HA
ok.... im done
this isnt one of those things where you tell me why i'm sad. its the one where i say, someone broke into my car for the second time and stole ALL but 10 cd's from me as well as my Jack daniels belt. AND MY CAR WAS IN HIDDEN VALLEY!!!! FEEL SORRY FOR ME.. so ... if anyone would like to buy me a present, cd's or a Jack belt would do fine! .... or the sweet belt buckle off the sparta website!
As I am sitting here in my most comfortable pink/burgundy/dirty chair I have come up with 10 top ways to waste time! Ok, here it goes, i'm not promising anything,
According to our last survey, YOU voted that your favorite beverage was BEER. 33% said beer, 25 % said Jack, and 21% decided to be homo's and not choose anything. I now challange you to choose OUT OF THE POSTED CHOICES.... a beer that is your favorite! Recently in my travels i have had the rare oppurtunity of touring as the CORONA man. Here's a Collage of me in my travels:
Yes... its preety good looking. I definatley recomend to anyone, taking the Corona suit on a tour, you will enjoy great night life, CAR shows as well as helping out lost American tourists on a beach. Also another possible idea is to lend this costume to someone for Halloween, As I do not participate in Halloween... the costume would be free at this time. Perhaps you could add some modifications to it... perhaps some sunglasses like these ones?....
I think they could work.. but ... Before you go anywhere you MUST tell me... WHAT is the differance between Corona and Coronita???
I leave this with you... the correct answer will win a PRIZE!!!!
I have decided that to add to the word of the day, we will also have INTERESTING FACTS!!!! Today's word of the day is POLYGLOT. A person who speaks many differant languages.
First I would like to congradulate Emily on her NEWWWWW BERETTA!!!!!!!! I had the rare privelege of taking a joy ride in it on Saturday night! I must say, it brought excitement to my life. Upon recieving the mail today a Daily Events schedule of an upcoming event came into my hands and i would like to officially announce the upcoming
Yes I truely say to you all, you may see the blimp. One ordinary day you may be tiding the seemingly already "tidy" board room, when suddenly a Bell BLIMP will just mosey on by the buildings. Now in any of your past lives or this one for that matter, you have not seen the "Bell BLIMP" (which will now be referred to as "BBlimp") and it makes you rather excited that you are reciving the good fortune to see this magnificant device. If you did not get the chance to see this BBlimp today, you may have seen it in Victoria in April! Those of you with pesant vision may not be able to catch this phenominon on television, but for only $45.00 a month you can be UPGRADED!!!
My word of the day for today is Subside. As in "The Flood waters Calgary was facing are beginning to subside."
I have nothing to say except for you should check out these bands!!
I dedicate this to...... my dearest Tweety... She was a good bird!
Ever Have one of those years where it just SUCKS? If no, lets go with just a WEEK that sucks, everyone has had those. Where you wake up in the Mornin, Positive as a Battery get ready for work, just to realize that your CAR has been completely filled with RANSACKARY! Your Prized belongings, including your new pink bag are all missing or strewn across the neighborhood. And just because thats how life goes, they took your favorite cd too. Now by this point no matter when you leave you'll be late for work, so you call in saying "I probally wont be there for a while", get patronized and have to answer approximatley 53 questions on why you will be late and what happened. You gather your things from the street to realize you will be going to work Musicless. Jump in your car, and go to the train station, but because it is now 9:00am there is ABSOLUTLEY NO PARKING.. so its, get a ticket, get towed, or dont go to work. You park, get on the train and go to work... arrive late with about one milion things to do and get at it.. the day is Crap, and you dont get lunch! FINALLY its over back to the train station and to you complete SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have a PARKING TICKET.... now that makes 3! You're so tired, a lady cuts you off, a stupid kid just WALTZES in front of your car... so naturally you LAY ON THE HORN! Finally you get home, make dinner and as the conversation moves on and suddenly out of nowhere you have a new inside joke... we willrefer to this as "LETS HAVE SOME CAKE!" out of the whole day.. you finally are laughing for about 10 minutes straight as well as random times after that... you go to bed and wake up the next day... again... Optimistic but your clock is set ahead, you rush out of the house.. without keys, your swipe card or glasses... looks like you'll be getting to have a migrane for the REST OF THE WEEK!... luckey person! But just remember the inside joke... its like the rose in the pile of dog poo!
Interesting Facts 101!
Well my friends, we have successfully entered the warm tender months, also known as Calgary Summerishwinterthing. During this season, if living in Calgary, you will have the great chance to: Go camping and get snowed on, Get snowed into your home on July 31, Tan in the great outdoors with the snow, Go swimming in a man made lake, Have a BBQ during a blizzard, Have a campfire next to a frozen lake, and many other Joyus occations.
So Cheryl's daughter was being harrassed by a boy in her school...he was saying things like she had a big butt, and calling her slut etc..., she one day turned to him and said "You know...your the load your mother should have swallowed" he stood there with his mouth open after that!!!!
ITS MAY!! BAH! thats all i have to say for this line!
Today they were selling girl guide cookies below the airplane in the petro can centre. On my way down the elevator i was seriousley considering getting some girl guide cookies. And girl guides started me thinking of Amy Gagne when she was a girl guide. Now I always think of girl guides as the skinny little 12 year old girl or younger selling cookies at your door. AHAAAAA no no. When i proceeded to get off of the elevator i realized that the world was changing. The two girl guides that were selling the cookies were... well we'll say, 3 times the size of me EACH. Now I sure didn't want to get any cookies after that... which made me wonder how many they actually sold today, because really, if i felt that way, i wonder how many other people did. I realize that this sounds quite rude, but really it seems that it is just false advertising for girl guide cookies.... or maybe not!!!
Many will say that you cannot heal pain through laughter. I definatley agree with this statement, although pain can be quite funny. Of corse i have a million examples to back this up but we will take, the most recent, the funniest and the most painful!
Now i know when you hear that, it seems like a contradiction. Especially since i spelt Hilarity wrong!
First before anything, i would like to exclaim my love for the word Halarity. The best part about this word is that it is halarious itself. I saw someone use it in their blog and i got very happy that someone else uses this word in their vocabulary.
I'm not sure if you have all had the misfortune of going to a wedding, but i have. Last night was my friend Benny's wedding. It was fun.. Beautiful wedding, bride looked beautiful, groom looked handsome, typical wedding. I just realized last night that weddings are a pretty sad occation for lots of people. Its happy for the bride and groom, because they have found eachother. But most times, its stressful for them, because they want everything to go right. Its possible that it is sad for the parents, because they may feel like they are losing their son or daughter. The siblings feel like they're losing a brother/sister. The guests that are married but unhappy are unhappy because they wish they were. The people who are single are sad because they dont have anyone. And of course, they play slow songs that were most likely one of yours and a past girl/boyfriend. And all the while your just hoping that they end up happy together. But, thats it for my analyzation of weddings. Congrats Benny and Tania, Hope it works out for you. May all your dreams come true except for one, so you always have something to look forward to.
I'm sure that many times you have seen people spitting on the street. Now many people, mostly in an older population would find this very Rude. I mean SPITTING on a STREET! Now others in fact would not find bodily functions rude at all, and as for spitting they find it so tasteful that they will SPIT ON THEMSELVS or their belongings.
So somehow the other day I was at work and I started singing "there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza Dear Liza..." and so on, and I got to thinking about elementary school. It was SO much fun! Its funny how they have sing along for kids, but then again where would we get these crazy songs!{Mr Foster the crazy sing along teacher! (was that his name?)} I think my favorite one was the " I like to eat, i like to eat, i like to eat eat apples and bananas" and then it carries on with all the vowels! The best part about the sing along is that I was talking to my little Sarah the other day and she was singing songs she had learned. Another good one was "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonig to the garden to eat worms" Kind of a funny depressing song!
Now I'm sure we've all heard of "word of the day" toilet paper!! I like to use big words to make others with small brains feel useless. Now although I sometimes am the person with a small brain I still like to use big words.
Also, Copious was word of the day on September_24,_1999.
So there we have it. A new word to use in every day language. Now, can anyone tell me what Ironic means?
Isn't it funny how one day can trigger so many memories. That was today for me, so many things that happened today reminded me of summers past and the amazing times we had. Also it reminded me of some of my favorite things.
Yesterday I found out the most ATROTIOUS THING! One of the girls I work with watched Napoleon Dynamite over the weekend, and SHE HATED IT! I coulden't believe it, she ACTUALLY turned it off half way through.
WARNING: This is a little more serious than all the others.
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