Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Thursday, May 25, 2006

That time..

I think there comes a time in everyones carrier when they look in the staff fridge, see beer, and ask themselves if it would be wrong to take 6 of them and drink them at their desk. "perhaps I should just bring that bottle of whisky to work tomorrow" they'll say. I say, it doesn't really matter folks, either way you're getting hammered! so,.. take the free beer, keep the whisky at home... you'll need it!


Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

so true so true hunny, drink their beer & love it.

12:30 AM

Blogger JAME took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

Baahahah, I'm an idiot! .. who made that comment?!

2:48 PM


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