Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Like a Rose growing through a pile of dog poo.

Ever Have one of those years where it just SUCKS? If no, lets go with just a WEEK that sucks, everyone has had those. Where you wake up in the Mornin, Positive as a Battery get ready for work, just to realize that your CAR has been completely filled with RANSACKARY! Your Prized belongings, including your new pink bag are all missing or strewn across the neighborhood. And just because thats how life goes, they took your favorite cd too. Now by this point no matter when you leave you'll be late for work, so you call in saying "I probally wont be there for a while", get patronized and have to answer approximatley 53 questions on why you will be late and what happened. You gather your things from the street to realize you will be going to work Musicless. Jump in your car, and go to the train station, but because it is now 9:00am there is ABSOLUTLEY NO PARKING.. so its, get a ticket, get towed, or dont go to work. You park, get on the train and go to work... arrive late with about one milion things to do and get at it.. the day is Crap, and you dont get lunch! FINALLY its over back to the train station and to you complete SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have a PARKING TICKET.... now that makes 3! You're so tired, a lady cuts you off, a stupid kid just WALTZES in front of your car... so naturally you LAY ON THE HORN! Finally you get home, make dinner and as the conversation moves on and suddenly out of nowhere you have a new inside joke... we willrefer to this as "LETS HAVE SOME CAKE!" out of the whole day.. you finally are laughing for about 10 minutes straight as well as random times after that... you go to bed and wake up the next day... again... Optimistic but your clock is set ahead, you rush out of the house.. without keys, your swipe card or glasses... looks like you'll be getting to have a migrane for the REST OF THE WEEK!... luckey person! But just remember the inside joke... its like the rose in the pile of dog poo!


Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

I'm having one of those weeks now.
I dropped my motor scooter 2 days before a showing. find out how much it'll cost me to end migranes and miss 5-6 days of work due to pain inflicted. just another day another dollar and still no where close to retirement.

10:27 AM


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