Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

When Children turn to gambling....

As We sat in a busy resturaunt one ordinary day, we coulden't help but evesdrop on the table approximatley one foot away from ours. "So, I'm getting very tired of these casino's, he's always going and wasting his money" Said the Sad Indecisive Mother. (we'll call her SIM) At this point she starts to tell the other women the story about how her 18 ear old son is always going to the casino and wasting money, etc. After listening to the story the Women in Black.(WIB) says to the SIM, "Well you know, in my house when someone lives there they have to live by my rules. When I say 'no more casino's' , there will be no more casino's." After this their conversation seems to get quite boring, we notice that they are all drinking water with lime and have all ordered the same thing. We talk etc, when again their conversation becomes interesting.

"Lately i've heard alot about ...... YOUNG PEOPLE...... playing POKER and CARDS after work, they're all inviting one another over to 'PLAY POKER'" says the SIM. WIB chimes in " and for MONEY, REAL MONEY!!" Flabergasted, the SIM comes out with a GASP and an"oh my goodness" sounding very sad and dissapointed. Now my associate ........ who will remain unnamed as she embarrased herself, LAUGHS SO LOUD. .... somehow.. i think they knew we were listening.

At this point, their conversation again becomes uninteresting and we spend the few minutes quietly making fun of the dissapointment that young people are playing poker "FOR MONEY". When suddenly SIM finds apeice of hair in her food, she comes out with an "OH no" and sits... seemingly pondering her very existance. WIB askes her "what are you going to do?!?!" Now most of us at this point would just say, oh well, free meal... but no.. she is sooooo dissapointed in this that when the waitress comes over, the SIM is still overcome with sadness and dissapointment that she can barely talk about it. So WIB explains how she found a peice of hair in her food. The waitress is kind, and treats her accordingly..... like someone in the family has died. She kindly asks if she would like another for free, and at this, the SIM has another bout of indecisiveness that WIB has to ask her again...and she finally agrees to free food.

The waitress is gone and WIB exclaims "Lets get back to your OTHER problem... about the gambling"

I dont know what happened after this because we were laughing so hard we had to leave the resturaunt. But you see boys and girls, gambling can cause SUCH a problem in our parents lives.. so the next time you think about playing POKER.... FOR MONEY... just remember what you could be causing...


Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

I CANT BELIVE IT WAS FOR MONEY !!!!!!!!! how could they do it :( ... i am also ...VERY disappointed

2:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

wow u guys have way to much time on ur hands, but keep up the good work

4:16 PM


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