Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Friday, May 27, 2005

The good, the bad and the forgotten!

I dedicate this to...... my dearest Tweety... She was a good bird!

" Humas are creatures of habit." <- Ever heard that expression before? Many times i'm sure, but if you really think about it, what else would we be other than creatures of habit, its not like EVERY SINGLE DAY you're going to wake up and not do ANYTHING the same as the day before, yes because.... people have to go potty! you may never go in the same place...... although highly unlikely.. so there we go.. already creatures of habit! This leads into change, its funny how people don't like change unless it HAS to happen. You can say, i dont want it to change, no no no no no, but we all know.. it is still going to. After you accept that things are going to change, you change you habits on purpose, to stop reminding you the way it used to be. If you never changed, you would be stuck forever, wearing the same perfume... and looking at the same pictures! I hate change, I like the new perfume i found, but i dont want to forget ..... anything that has ever happened... it will happen, but i wish it wouldent. I would take almost any experiance and say "i'm glad it happened" because (i'm sure you've heard this one too) "its better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all" ... this doesnt just apply to "love" take sports... "its better to have played and lost, then never to have played at all" for example. It applies to all aspects of life, if you didn't have experiances you woulden't be who you are today. So in conclusion, i would like to say i dont like change, but i'm glad it happens.... and the word of the day.... bum bum bum BUUUMMM>.........
  • Esoteric
  • two people in the last couple of weeks said this word to me.. .AND I WAS SO SURPRISED... this is like.. my favorite word EVER.. and i dont think i've ever heard anyone but me use it! Exciting!

    and now..... I would like to mention that everyone should be checking out my voicemail, it changes regularly and right now , is quite halarious.


    Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

    And you bug me about my spelling. Just so you know its spelt humans. LOL. By the way thanks now all I can think about is bums and how cute some guys bums are. Love ya

    1:39 PM


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