Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Stand up and face it

He had told her everything, and she had expected the worst. It wasn't the end, but it would be a change. She had found a diamond with a flaw, and wasn't about to throw it away. It should have had a greater value, but that didn't make it worthless. If nobody had flaws then the world would be a different place.

Be true to her word, or be true to herself? She could do both, tough love is what they would call it. He had given her a chance to get away from it all, but she didn't want it. Betrayel wasn't in her personality, nor did she want it to be. Not everyone would have told her the truth, many would have hid it. But he didn't. He stood up, and stood out.. said the hard thing, and gave her a choice. It wouldn't be easy, and many wouldn't understand, but she would not do the wrong thing... and throw him away.

As She sat there contimplating the event of telling him, she felt distress. What was he feeling at this very minute? For some reason she felt like she was falling apart. Her heart went out to him, what a time to be alone. And she was sure that is what he was feeling. 14 hours and she missed him more than ever. There was nothing left to do but wait.


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