Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Healing Pain With Laughter

Many will say that you cannot heal pain through laughter. I definatley agree with this statement, although pain can be quite funny. Of corse i have a million examples to back this up but we will take, the most recent, the funniest and the most painful!

This blog was inspired by my clumsiness today. As of 3:30 I successfully hurt myself in stupid ways twice. First, not quite funny but quite painful , I opened the door and smoked my elbow quite hard. i told you it wasnt funny. the second time though, i was exiting the bathroom and opened the door to the hallway, instead of giving it the usual rough tug, i just gently opened it. To my discgrace, the door did not open enough for me to fit through. Although the space was smaller than I, this DID NOT STOP ME! I proceeded to clumsily jam myself through the door, while bumping into the door frame and getting hit in the head by the door itself. Did i mention there were people in the hallway watching!

Now, as i'm sure you guessed, things like this have happend to a few in my family. Lets go with good ol clumsey sheen. We will never let sheena forget her moment of digrace when she was walking across the EMPTY floor in the piano store and right there, fell flat on her face! The best part about this is there was an old man in the piano store that LAUGHED AT HER AND MADE OF HER AFTER!! This was the climax of Sheena's clumsy carrier, which included walking into a poll, falling up the stairs and breaking her nose as well as just the other day sneezing so hard she hit her head on the gas meter!

yes it is true we will include the other sister. On this particuar evening Xylia was the Designated driver so was not drinking. While carriying two drinks to her friends she (VERY SOBER) falls DOWN the stairs and falls face first into the empty dance floor, spilling the drinks all over. Yet again, to her horrible disgrace.

Now we all know i could go on all night about how once kim was chasing the drunken amy and instead of AMY falling.. kim falls down the stairs.. or many examples to this sort. But that is all the time we have for this episode children, so just remember. Whenever you JAM your finger while playing football, just remember to SCREAM in pain, and then laugh till you cry. You will NOT feel better... just amused!


Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

the gas meter was particularly funny to watch :D

1:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

uve got a clumsy fam JAM teehe
but picturin u tryin to squeeze through a door that u cant quite fit through made my day
hahhahahhahha ahhahhahahah ahhaahhaa
i tink everyone has done it

2:29 PM


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