First I would like to congradulate Emily on her NEWWWWW BERETTA!!!!!!!! I had the rare privelege of taking a joy ride in it on Saturday night! I must say, it brought excitement to my life. Upon recieving the mail today a Daily Events schedule of an upcoming event came into my hands and i would like to officially announce the upcoming
!!! Now I know Ya'll are excited bout hootin an hollerin. I know that little griff will be almost the loudest one there, but that doesn't give none o' ya'll a good reason to not go and enjoy yerself . So saddle up put your ridin boots on and head on down to the CALGARY STAMPEDE, were everyone can have a good time. there'll be beer drinkin, and bull ridin'! Bands Playin and Children Screamin! You'll hear that Cow Mooin, and that Cowboy yellin. I dont wan't none o' yall to be afraid so, just remember... this is a part of ALBERTA, and a part o' Calgary!
Todays word is SHAKE... check
THIS out.... Yeah, theres more where that came from!
A Joyride Jamie? Well you must consider the concequences of that! and the CALGARY STAMPEDE??? really now! mmm.. Timbits, do you see how sad this has become? I must leave comments for myself because no one else will!
1:48 PM
Got to love stampede time even if you dont make it to the grounds. It a fever that hits everyone everywhere. Expecially the hooting and hollaring.
1:56 PM
If Jamie actually hits the Beer Gardens with Cheryl like she was mentioning we will probably be Jamie and Cheryl MOO-ing after a few hours of drinking in the sun!!
2:18 PM
SAWEEEET beer gardens!
2:32 PM
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