Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Coming of Fall.. and the passing of time

As She walked down the street one frightfully cold day in September, she realized that she had come to a fork in the road in her life. One where she would make very important decisions, and let go of some mistakes she had made in the past. As it happens every year, She'll let go of that one relationship that actually didn't matter, and move on to the one she has now. The decision to be happy with life, and accept herself for who she was and who she will be. Never to pretend to be something else, for he will need to see the true person she is.

They say "Be true to yourself", but what does it really mean? How can we actually be true to yourself? Should this mean that we are to be ignorant to others feelings and thoughts? With everyone you meet, they affect you or change you in some way. For better or for worse, this is the way it is. The struggle to always make the right decision is constantly there. "Go with the flow" isnt really a choice anymore. It always seems to be predetermined, so does this mean that the feeling that she is destined to be alone, is true? She is constantly trying to make all the right decisions.

The coming of fall seems to bring back those feelings of loneliness felt for so long, looking at other relationships and wondering if they will end up happy.

You can never really tell. A person can only hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Time will pass, the leaves will fall, the seemingly everlasting snow will come and the cycle will start again.

Here's to a new season, new beginnings Love and heartbreak!


Blogger Hyde took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

As long as something new is coming, I try not to think about the "forever"...

Nice post. You really captured a certain feeling that I've had too.

6:56 AM


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