Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


First before anything, i would like to exclaim my love for the word Halarity. The best part about this word is that it is halarious itself. I saw someone use it in their blog and i got very happy that someone else uses this word in their vocabulary.

I'll tell you what true halarity is, people watching!! They are quite halarious to watch, the things they do when they dont think anyone is watching, or KNOW someone is watching. The best part is how people walk when they know someone is watching or not. I am the kind of person who always looks at a persons walk. I've seen a few good walks in my day, if i'm friends with you, you probably have a good walk, if not...well you know why now! Watching Skateboarders is quite funny, they will try and try and try the same trick over and over and over and land the same way, OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. until they FINALLY get it, and as soon as they do, they move on! ....... .....

p.s. This isnt finished, i'll finish it tomomrow, for now, its sleepy time for Jammy jam, GOODNIGHT BINKEY!
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p.s. i painted this on a shirt of mine, its sweet!


Blogger Kim took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

Jammy Jam is crazy!!!! But that's ok, I still love you!

5:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

You's,'s spelled "hilarity".


2:05 PM


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