Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


According to our last survey, YOU voted that your favorite beverage was BEER. 33% said beer, 25 % said Jack, and 21% decided to be homo's and not choose anything. I now challange you to choose OUT OF THE POSTED CHOICES.... a beer that is your favorite! Recently in my travels i have had the rare oppurtunity of touring as the CORONA man. Here's a Collage of me in my travels:

Yes... its preety good looking. I definatley recomend to anyone, taking the Corona suit on a tour, you will enjoy great night life, CAR shows as well as helping out lost American tourists on a beach. Also another possible idea is to lend this costume to someone for Halloween, As I do not participate in Halloween... the costume would be free at this time. Perhaps you could add some modifications to it... perhaps some sunglasses like these ones?.... Image hosted by I think they could work.. but ... Before you go anywhere you MUST tell me... WHAT is the differance between Corona and Coronita???

I leave this with you... the correct answer will win a PRIZE!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

molson. canadian.

6:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

U nerd Jamie. I think you should invest in a suit to make you cooler than you already are. Luv u big sis. LOL

2:46 PM

Blogger JAME took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

It would be pretty sweet if i could actually aquire a carona costume.. YOU KNOW i'd wear it!

10:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

I gots to know - what is the difference?

Love the suit, love the beer - Wilko from Victoria, Australia

10:09 PM


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