Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

10 top ways to waste time!

As I am sitting here in my most comfortable pink/burgundy/dirty chair I have come up with 10 top ways to waste time! Ok, here it goes, i'm not promising anything,

10)talking on the phone ( a good time if youlike the person, but... many times you end up answering your phone and its just someone who you've been avoiding and they called from a dfferant phone)

moving on,

9) working,.... where this can be good for the... uuh... making money factor, mostly working is a good waste of time.... unless you get paid to paint... or sing.... or... maybe .... some eating, or to shop.

and 8) sleeping, yes it does do the body good.. but really, you spendlike.. what half of your life sleeping.... beds can be used for better things..... like... JUMPING ON THEM, or making forts.. or maybe......... using for a fire.

now, i cant help notice that the 8 looks much like a 3 and since I am running out of amazing things, we shall move to #2.

2) something that is a waste of time and ranks worse than the previous.. cough... 8, would be... darning socks, although i make this a good pastime, there is a reason why it is called a pass.... TIME...

AND THE NUMBER ONE WAY.... out of... 10!.. to waste time.. is

1) watching jackfish spawn!.... ok well.. this has proven to be a pretty... um AMAZING blog so... here is something that will bring extreme happiness... now.. make sure you have your speakers on...

he has some good skill!.... s

check it out!


Blogger JAME took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

YOUR A HOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:08 AM

Blogger Kim took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...'re a homo!!!

10:33 AM

Blogger JAME took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

yeah well... uh... you look like a BANANA!!!!

9:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

i really enjoyed your tips on how to waste time! being a particularly good time waster myself, i found them helpful in adding to my own personal collection of time wasting strategies. for example, taking out all the clothes from your drawer, and washing them just because. Then you can fold them all up nicely and put them back in their respective drawers. I've never tried it but it seems like it would be a good waste of time. another one i thought of is going to the zoo. i learned about all the animals in preschool, i know what they look like. why go to the zoo when the same animals are in a book? they look the same and they don't do a whole lot more than in the books. Although, watching monkeys at the zoo can be pretty interesting. i'd recommend to anyone going to the zoo to head to the monkeys and waste their time there.

3:35 PM


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