Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Liberation in the Ballroom.... with no shades of gray

All great stories usually begin with, "once upon a time" or "One rainy day in April" or "On a blustery day in mid September" but this one does not. It isn't a great story, and nor will it make for a great memory. All this will do is teach me a lesson.

One very normal evening, the day after christmas a young girl set out to change her life. To change her bitter feelings into nothing. As minutes drifted into hours, her anger grew into fury, and hate. Hatred against someone who she had once loved, but she would find out that what she thought was love was just a web of lies, where she had been caught up. One conversation led her to the realization that this hate would eat away at her unless it was set free, unless vengence was found. An argument of whether things are black and white or just shades of gray erupts... but he is right, there aren't any shades of gray in some situations, they're either black or white, bad or good. Love, or hate. At this point, it was clear...

She dialed the phone, he picked up and a reign of fury began... everything that had been held in for so long, the hurt and the pain and the anger. On the other end the same old sob stories began, the ones that she had put up with for so long, but this wasn't a sympathy call, this was liberation. This call was to prove that she would not be angry anymore, to show him that there was nothing but pure hatred in her heart. The lies he had told for so long would no longer hurt or hinder her. He claimed to know how much she hated him, he claimed to know it all. But even after the explination, he could not know, because he had underestimated her. There was no place for tears this time with him... or ever again. It was over... Vengence, Closure and Liberation was hers, and he was left to get everything he deserved.


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