Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The world is going CRAZY!

Yesterday I found out the most ATROTIOUS THING! One of the girls I work with watched Napoleon Dynamite over the weekend, and SHE HATED IT! I coulden't believe it, she ACTUALLY turned it off half way through.

Now another thing that has been really getting to me lately is so many people's hate for PDA's! Ok seriousley, i understand not like MAKING out on the ctrain or in a mall or something, but some people are carrying this a LITTLE far. REALLY what is wrong with like a "public" HUG? or a little peck on the lips not like FULL OUT kissing, just a "hey i remember your here." I just think there are too many people going to extremes on this matter.

One thing that REALY makes me think the world is going crazy are these paintings!!
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Now if you wanted to find these paintings you would simply have to look in various rooms in our office. Now really people, i understand its nice to have Art in the office, but can anyone ACTUALLY tell me what the first painting even IS ? (tell me your thoughts)
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This one looks like a freaking MARSH done by someone who quit art class in grade 2! Now really people, if your gonna have art in the office let it be NICE art. God, i'm not one for loving the realism paintings of flowers but its better than a MARSH! I should perhaps be placing these paintings next to mine.. THEN they'll look AMAZING!

Last but not least... what is the deal with KEYPAD tones on Cellphones? they are SO annoying, why would you want somethign BEEPING EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH IT doesn't it give you some kind of WARNING vibe,like something is going to BLOW UP? hmm.. just a thought!

Now please friends, leave a comment on whatever you would like. I do enjoy the comments!


Blogger Rylan Schultz took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

it looks like a tree in front of a lake with a mountain in the background

3:46 PM

Blogger JAME took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

Its a pretty ugly tree, to me it looks like someone was trying to paint a burning bush but got too carried away with modern colors!

11:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

i think its anavacado explosion in an ink factory

8:06 PM


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