Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A perticular series of unfortunate events...

Once upon a time there was a girl and her sister. We will call these two girls Maj and Neesha. So one morning Maj and Neesha were getting ready to go to work, everything going fine... listening to music drinking coffee, the usual. They go out to the car, SCRAPE off that THICK calgary Frost and start driving.

On This perticular morning though, Maj noticed something different about her car. For some reason every time she would even think about letting go of the steering wheel for a second, the car seemed to RUSH towards the curb. Feeling rather perplexed by this phenomenon, she politely yelled to Neesha her sister. "Get the HELL out and look at my wheel." In a FLASH Neesha was out of the car shaking her head. "Your FREAKING tire is flat" she said. Maj, feeling fairly satisfied with this answer, summoned Neesha back into the car. As the gas station was only approximatley one block away, they figured they could get there and pump it up. Now i never said that our two characters were BRIGHT.

After driving about 5 meters Maj decided that they would never make it to the gas station without ruining SOMETHING. So at this point, Maj runs home (the WHOLE BLOCK) and gets the mother to drive Neesha to work, and calls the father to change her tire ... TO THE DONUT!

Father dear shows up, goes through the procedure of explaining and showing Maj how to remove a tire.... now if only it would have come off.. after trying for about half an hour, Maj calls AMA and man (he was pretty good looking) shows up with his LARGE PLANK OF WOOD. With two vigorous strikes to the tire, it was off. It seems it was corroded to the car. At this point many insignificant events happen. The Donut goes on, they give their thanks to the AMA man, Maj thanks her father, eats a sandwich (yes, it was 8 am), and promises to take care of something for him in return.

She gets in her now DONUTED car, and drives to FOUNTAIN TIRE, where they proceed to tell her that she needs $700 of repairs.... and two new tires. GO FIGURE, more repairs. She gets one of the tires and goes to work. Gets in trouble for well... um .. thats another story. Meets up with mother dear and at approximatley 7:30 pm. And to finish off this good story, she forgot to do the thing she had promised father dear.

All in all, it was bad day, but.... soon her car will be fixed!!!


Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

it seems as though Maj and Neesha are RETARDS but ..... thats what happens when they get up early unprepared for the unfortunate events. NOW .... where were the men in the white coats to pick up Neesha intead of her mother????
( how nice of you to say she was going to work instead of the funny farm)

10:33 AM

Blogger JAME took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

yes, well you see.. she is a good friend.. and well.. i didn't really want to let people know that she was unstable mentally

10:38 AM


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