Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Pessimist? NAH!

I will start off with the saying "its all in a day's work!"

Most would like to think that they like their job, they have a good life and they get respect. Here is a differant look at things. You get up in the morning REJUVINATED! It's a new day and you're rarin to go! You had a good sleep, although you were a little bit cold. You had a refreshing shower, although it was lukewarm. You have a good cup of coffee, and spill it on your shirt but realize you are too late to change. You get in your car, you have no gas no money. You optimistically know you'll make it to the train station at least.... you hope. You park, fairly close and get out, but to your GLORIOUS surprise, you have stepped in Canada's largest puddle of mudd!

Its now time you be getting on the train, muddy new shoes and all, where you are cramped with about a million other people, most of whom you've never seen before. Now is when you start to feel anxious, after all most of the time you dont even stand this close to your friends, never mind smell their sweat, and for god sakes its only 7:30 AM! You figure, oh well its only a short ride! But guess what, its a new train driver. For some unknown reason, he stops constantly! Now I know the train stops about every 2 minutes at a station, but no, i'm not talking about the stations, i'm talking about the lights, the children (for god sakes just run the damn kids over), the old man reading the book, the cars driving perpindicular to the train. I dont think ANY of these things are a good reason to stop. Unless I'M running to catch the train, THEN he can stop and wait. But really, is there any reason why he should even stop at the other STATIONS when the train is full. Its not like anyone else is GETTIN ON!

You realize you have to accept your fate and decide to look at the better part of life. But GOD DAMN its hard! you look around the train to see the little old asian lady SCREAMING some story to her other little old asian friend, a drunken man talking on the phone about how he has heard that his friend is a killer and stabbed someone in the neck, a girl with glasses PICKING HER NOSE! And a man who looks quite alot like your grandfather nodding off, ON YOUR SHOULDER!

FINALLY, you get to your stop practically are SQUISHED out of the train, RUN down the street it is 8:05 now because of the stupid train driver, DODGE the puddle and w...a......i..........t for the walk light. RUN across the street, through the revolving door TO THE ELEVATORS. Now of course, your waiting again, the elevator comes and again you SQUISH on! Up to the 36th floor you go but not before stopping at 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, and 34. Funny 35 must be on HOLIDAYS! So, you get off , go into the office and FINALLY you sit down, your ready for another day of hurry up and wait!

Now tell me, is there a differance between being pessimistic and looking at the humor in everything!

Definatley! but, p.s. somehow, all that happened before the "days work"



Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

That is where your word Halarity would work becuase it is Halarious just reading it and I know from experience because I have been there done that.. and that is not the good one.

10:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

man so long ago some of those pics. oh to go back in time.haha nice pics good page and keep on keepin on

B rad

11:13 AM


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