Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Things I would rather Ignore.

WARNING: This is a little more serious than all the others.

I have come to realize in the last little while that there are a few things that i am quite dissapointed in. As many know, things have changed alot in the past couple of months for me. I dont like change, AT ALL! But somehow, i've learned some things that i'd rather ignore.

Through a period of many serious talks, i was told some things i did not understand. Lately i have come to realize how you would rather let someone go than carry on and hurt them. How you would know it woulden't work out, when someone else had complete faith. Somehow i came to understand and feel that same way, how for some reason, it would never be better than it was at that moment. I wish I was still naive to this feeling, and didn't know what it meant. I wish that they were just words, and there were no feelings behind it. If I think back to differant conversations, its like I see it in a new light because nothing is the same anymore. Differant expressions will now mean something differant than they originally did because I now know the exact feeling, and it doesn't make me feel anything more than stupid.

A talk with my sister reminded me that some things haunt you forever. Not that you would know at the time, but somehow, it may not go away, the comparison always remains and you cant erase the memories. No matter how much you say "i dont care"( see the "i dont care" movement), you always will.

I find this very unfair because this is something I thought I had let go of, but after coming to this realization and understanding of the feeling, I believe that it will not be as easy to let go of as i had thought.

Thanks for the good times, they won't be forgotten.


Blogger Kim took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

Jam I am writing to tell you that I love you!! And you should never forget that! hahaaha

6:45 AM

Anonymous Anonymous took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

i like toast!!!!!!

- TC

2:44 PM

Blogger matty took the challange and made a comment on this amazing blog.. this is what they said...

i know exactly what you mean. thanks for putting it into words for me.

9:09 PM


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