Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Friday, April 29, 2005

Bad Advertising and Funny things.

Today they were selling girl guide cookies below the airplane in the petro can centre. On my way down the elevator i was seriousley considering getting some girl guide cookies. And girl guides started me thinking of Amy Gagne when she was a girl guide. Now I always think of girl guides as the skinny little 12 year old girl or younger selling cookies at your door. AHAAAAA no no. When i proceeded to get off of the elevator i realized that the world was changing. The two girl guides that were selling the cookies were... well we'll say, 3 times the size of me EACH. Now I sure didn't want to get any cookies after that... which made me wonder how many they actually sold today, because really, if i felt that way, i wonder how many other people did. I realize that this sounds quite rude, but really it seems that it is just false advertising for girl guide cookies.... or maybe not!!!

p.s. (POST STORY) Before a friends daughters birthday party they were blowing up balloons, my friend, being the mom, was blowing up the balloons up quickly and efficiently. With big eyes her daughter looked up at her and said "mommy, your a GOOOOOOOD blower." And her husband, under his breath said "she sure is!"

That one made me laugh out loud!!!!... I GET A GITUAR TONIGHT!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Healing Pain With Laughter

Many will say that you cannot heal pain through laughter. I definatley agree with this statement, although pain can be quite funny. Of corse i have a million examples to back this up but we will take, the most recent, the funniest and the most painful!

This blog was inspired by my clumsiness today. As of 3:30 I successfully hurt myself in stupid ways twice. First, not quite funny but quite painful , I opened the door and smoked my elbow quite hard. i told you it wasnt funny. the second time though, i was exiting the bathroom and opened the door to the hallway, instead of giving it the usual rough tug, i just gently opened it. To my discgrace, the door did not open enough for me to fit through. Although the space was smaller than I, this DID NOT STOP ME! I proceeded to clumsily jam myself through the door, while bumping into the door frame and getting hit in the head by the door itself. Did i mention there were people in the hallway watching!

Now, as i'm sure you guessed, things like this have happend to a few in my family. Lets go with good ol clumsey sheen. We will never let sheena forget her moment of digrace when she was walking across the EMPTY floor in the piano store and right there, fell flat on her face! The best part about this is there was an old man in the piano store that LAUGHED AT HER AND MADE OF HER AFTER!! This was the climax of Sheena's clumsy carrier, which included walking into a poll, falling up the stairs and breaking her nose as well as just the other day sneezing so hard she hit her head on the gas meter!

yes it is true we will include the other sister. On this particuar evening Xylia was the Designated driver so was not drinking. While carriying two drinks to her friends she (VERY SOBER) falls DOWN the stairs and falls face first into the empty dance floor, spilling the drinks all over. Yet again, to her horrible disgrace.

Now we all know i could go on all night about how once kim was chasing the drunken amy and instead of AMY falling.. kim falls down the stairs.. or many examples to this sort. But that is all the time we have for this episode children, so just remember. Whenever you JAM your finger while playing football, just remember to SCREAM in pain, and then laugh till you cry. You will NOT feel better... just amused!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

10 Words of WISDOM.. by Jamie

Now i know when you hear that, it seems like a contradiction. Especially since i spelt Hilarity wrong!

This will be a chance for everyone to add words of wisdom of their own in the comments section.
10) Always make fun of yourself.
9) Believe in something unordinary
8) Notice strange things while on the train (like a shopping cart in the river, or a mitten on a sign post)
7) Do Crazy things unexpectadley, this way people will not think you are a snob (espically if you are beautiful and witty like myself)
6) Try and tell people what you truely feel, even if they dont feel the same
5) Laugh at everything you can, people are drawn to happiness
4) While being photographed make the stupidest faces possible, this will add to the effect of the picture.
3) When a manager walks out with a client while you are at work, make sure you stare at the good looking one until he notices you.(You cannot use your wits as much while in the workplace)
2) IF your a girl, learn how to chop wood correctley!
and my NUMBER ONE PEICE OF ADVICE IS........ dun dun dun DUUUUN
1) Dont be afraid to make a fool out of yourself, who cares what other people think, its your life, why not enjoy it!!!!

For All the friends doin exams right now, GOOD LUCK.. inspired from the late TC a drawing.
The Four Stages Of Exam Preperation!
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Good luck Ya'll!!!

p.s . stay tuned for an example of "words of advice" - no 4

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


First before anything, i would like to exclaim my love for the word Halarity. The best part about this word is that it is halarious itself. I saw someone use it in their blog and i got very happy that someone else uses this word in their vocabulary.

I'll tell you what true halarity is, people watching!! They are quite halarious to watch, the things they do when they dont think anyone is watching, or KNOW someone is watching. The best part is how people walk when they know someone is watching or not. I am the kind of person who always looks at a persons walk. I've seen a few good walks in my day, if i'm friends with you, you probably have a good walk, if not...well you know why now! Watching Skateboarders is quite funny, they will try and try and try the same trick over and over and over and land the same way, OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. until they FINALLY get it, and as soon as they do, they move on! ....... .....

p.s. This isnt finished, i'll finish it tomomrow, for now, its sleepy time for Jammy jam, GOODNIGHT BINKEY!
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p.s. i painted this on a shirt of mine, its sweet!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The misfortune of a Wedding.

I'm not sure if you have all had the misfortune of going to a wedding, but i have. Last night was my friend Benny's wedding. It was fun.. Beautiful wedding, bride looked beautiful, groom looked handsome, typical wedding. I just realized last night that weddings are a pretty sad occation for lots of people. Its happy for the bride and groom, because they have found eachother. But most times, its stressful for them, because they want everything to go right. Its possible that it is sad for the parents, because they may feel like they are losing their son or daughter. The siblings feel like they're losing a brother/sister. The guests that are married but unhappy are unhappy because they wish they were. The people who are single are sad because they dont have anyone. And of course, they play slow songs that were most likely one of yours and a past girl/boyfriend. And all the while your just hoping that they end up happy together. But, thats it for my analyzation of weddings. Congrats Benny and Tania, Hope it works out for you. May all your dreams come true except for one, so you always have something to look forward to.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

"Love through bodily functions"

I'm sure that many times you have seen people spitting on the street. Now many people, mostly in an older population would find this very Rude. I mean SPITTING on a STREET! Now others in fact would not find bodily functions rude at all, and as for spitting they find it so tasteful that they will SPIT ON THEMSELVS or their belongings.

Now, on this particular day, I was feeling quite low. As I walked into the office (RS Marketing) I found myself wanting to get rid of the extra saliva in my mouth. As I went to spit to the side, I found a my friend (Dan aka MAYO) running up next to me, but it was too late, so instead of spitting on Mayo, i spit on myslef. After this event I felt quite alot more relieved and happy. Now many of you would find this quite discusting, but if we look further into my family we will find more evidance of "Love through bodily functions."

For example, one beautiful day, my sister was doing laundry! Something she rather loved to do, on this particular day though, she had a cold. As she was hanging her husbands clothes to dry she violently sneezed. Now she loves her husband very much. Unlike me she did not sneeze on herself, rather, because of her love for her husband, she sneezed directly on his shirt leaving a treat for him to find at a later time. As you can see, more "love through bodily functions."

As I'm sure your thinking, i have two sisters, WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER ONE!? While Courting her soon to be Husband, my other sister decided to display her love for him. While lying beside her beau, she let one go, LOUDLEY! She wanted to display her love so EVERYONE would know. For some reason, her beau did not understand this display of affection and proceeded to thrust her off the couch onto the concrete floor. We now understand that this "love" was not understood by him, and was not aware of "love through bodily functions."

I do not suggest doing this around people who are only aquantiances, but rather only ones you truely love. So the next time your best friend burps so loud you think it was a garage door opening, realize they are only expressing their exuberant love for you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

A Flashback to Elementary!

So somehow the other day I was at work and I started singing "there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza Dear Liza..." and so on, and I got to thinking about elementary school. It was SO much fun! Its funny how they have sing along for kids, but then again where would we get these crazy songs!{Mr Foster the crazy sing along teacher! (was that his name?)} I think my favorite one was the " I like to eat, i like to eat, i like to eat eat apples and bananas" and then it carries on with all the vowels! The best part about the sing along is that I was talking to my little Sarah the other day and she was singing songs she had learned. Another good one was "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm gonig to the garden to eat worms" Kind of a funny depressing song!

There were funny fads in elementary, like the spice girls! And everyone gets so excited about the funniest things. Doing Bells in music class with mrs. Doland, leaving early because we were PATROLS! Haha, Amy G, Krystal R and I would always RACE to the other corner of the feild at lunch. WE DUG a HUGE hole for like 3 years straight with plastic tea spoons from the lunch room. The best one.. SPORTS DAY! I think the funniest thing, now that i think about it, it was in grade 5 in mr. Olivier's class I dont remember exactley what happened but i either forged a signature or copied off someone or something and they MATCHED my writing to my scribbler and they were like "Jamie is this your writing" and i was so afraid! I tried to forge my moms signature acouple times, once when i was in grade 3 in mrs. Jayman/Mitchell's class. OOPS that didnt work well! I think everyone has had a few funny elementary experiances.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The word of the day!

Now I'm sure we've all heard of "word of the day" toilet paper!! I like to use big words to make others with small brains feel useless. Now although I sometimes am the person with a small brain I still like to use big words.

Today's word is Copious. As in, "There is a Copious amount of sugar in here" or, "He used Copious amounts of Hair Gel in his hair today."

Also, Copious was word of the day on September_24,_1999.

So there we have it. A new word to use in every day language. Now, can anyone tell me what Ironic means?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Why Summer Is EMAZINK!

Isn't it funny how one day can trigger so many memories. That was today for me, so many things that happened today reminded me of summers past and the amazing times we had. Also it reminded me of some of my favorite things.

1) Jolly Ranchers- Just cus they're so yummy
2) Campfires - CAMPING and the smell of your clothes after
3) The Stampede- cus its ALWAYS fun ... come on, COWBOYS!!
4) Taking a drive at sunset
5) Listning to music in my car
6) Going for ice cream with my dad
7) Walking at night
8) Looking at the stars (and not being freezing)
9) YARD WORK... ha kidding
10) Chasing my dog around the yard
11) Listning to someone play gituar
12) Playing in Sprinklers at night
13) aimlessly walking in the sun
14) Phone calls from someone you haven't heard from in a long time
15) sundresses
16) watermelon
18) Cheerio's (Apple cinnamon are good Rylan, but nothing beats honey nut)
19) Staying up all night talking with friends
21) Suntanning
22) Camping

The list could go on and on, summer is so much fun, Here is a flash back to last summer and the fun times we had! AND a picture of Tam and the Carrera.. oooh soo nice!

p.s. amy and kim, dont miss the pic of mr.freeborn HA!
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What are your favorite summer events... do you like galooshing?

Saturday, April 09, 2005


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This is called Baruphamorse, I didn't draw it! I found it today, its pretty kuhl! Anyway, you should guess who drew it! I know its not as amazing as some of my drawings, but ya.. GUESS!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

The world is going CRAZY!

Yesterday I found out the most ATROTIOUS THING! One of the girls I work with watched Napoleon Dynamite over the weekend, and SHE HATED IT! I coulden't believe it, she ACTUALLY turned it off half way through.

Now another thing that has been really getting to me lately is so many people's hate for PDA's! Ok seriousley, i understand not like MAKING out on the ctrain or in a mall or something, but some people are carrying this a LITTLE far. REALLY what is wrong with like a "public" HUG? or a little peck on the lips not like FULL OUT kissing, just a "hey i remember your here." I just think there are too many people going to extremes on this matter.

One thing that REALY makes me think the world is going crazy are these paintings!!
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Now if you wanted to find these paintings you would simply have to look in various rooms in our office. Now really people, i understand its nice to have Art in the office, but can anyone ACTUALLY tell me what the first painting even IS ? (tell me your thoughts)
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This one looks like a freaking MARSH done by someone who quit art class in grade 2! Now really people, if your gonna have art in the office let it be NICE art. God, i'm not one for loving the realism paintings of flowers but its better than a MARSH! I should perhaps be placing these paintings next to mine.. THEN they'll look AMAZING!

Last but not least... what is the deal with KEYPAD tones on Cellphones? they are SO annoying, why would you want somethign BEEPING EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH IT doesn't it give you some kind of WARNING vibe,like something is going to BLOW UP? hmm.. just a thought!

Now please friends, leave a comment on whatever you would like. I do enjoy the comments!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Things I would rather Ignore.

WARNING: This is a little more serious than all the others.

I have come to realize in the last little while that there are a few things that i am quite dissapointed in. As many know, things have changed alot in the past couple of months for me. I dont like change, AT ALL! But somehow, i've learned some things that i'd rather ignore.

Through a period of many serious talks, i was told some things i did not understand. Lately i have come to realize how you would rather let someone go than carry on and hurt them. How you would know it woulden't work out, when someone else had complete faith. Somehow i came to understand and feel that same way, how for some reason, it would never be better than it was at that moment. I wish I was still naive to this feeling, and didn't know what it meant. I wish that they were just words, and there were no feelings behind it. If I think back to differant conversations, its like I see it in a new light because nothing is the same anymore. Differant expressions will now mean something differant than they originally did because I now know the exact feeling, and it doesn't make me feel anything more than stupid.

A talk with my sister reminded me that some things haunt you forever. Not that you would know at the time, but somehow, it may not go away, the comparison always remains and you cant erase the memories. No matter how much you say "i dont care"( see the "i dont care" movement), you always will.

I find this very unfair because this is something I thought I had let go of, but after coming to this realization and understanding of the feeling, I believe that it will not be as easy to let go of as i had thought.

Thanks for the good times, they won't be forgotten.

Friday, April 01, 2005

How Beautious nature is!

I would like to take this moment to express the beauty of nature, and how calming it can be.

To experiance this calming feeling of nature, the next time you are in your car or on the train, simply look out the window at the trees blowing in the wind, the birds flying south for the winter, the bear cub bounding through the tall grass, the duck on the pond, or the shopping cart in the river. All of these things may make you have joy joy feelings inside.

So the next time you see that plastic bag being trampled by the rain and mud, realize that you can contribute to the beauty too. The easiest way is by throwing that pipe wrench on the beach where it will be in its true habitat.

adopt your own virtual pet!