They seem to be at a loss.... for thoughts
She looked around, dissapointed in the others. She had lost something, but it definatley wasn't her conviction. Frustrated that she had failed where everyone else had seemed to be succeeding. But why? Because she would not forfit her opinion?! It didn't make sense to her, but at the same time it did. Because he still loved her, in a way she hadn't lost.
Why would you try and change something you truely believe because someone else doesn't ? Nothing was making sense, but she had seen so many people change their mind for someone else. Maybe that is what it was really about, sacrifice of yourself. But how long could that sacrifice really last before you got tired of not having an opinion. Then everything would fall apart, because you never really stayed true to yourself.
Confused and worn out, she dropped it.. to be thought about on a different day! Although she was still so torn apart, you could sometimes witness a smile. It would come and go with the blink of an eye, but there was still a glimmer of happiness in her. She found it in her ideas, and questions, something no one else could change.