Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Monday, August 29, 2005

the nameless cow

Eddie bought me a cow... what should i name it.. any ideas???????

Please... UnTaper the pants!

Lately I've been noticing the copious amounts of TAPERED JEANS AND PANTS!!! Seriousley now.. what is with the tapered pants? and how exacltey to people get them on? The other day i was in play.. and it was seriously disturbing how many girls were wearing tapered jeans. The story gets sadder when guys start wearing OLD tapered jeans.. like.. the ones from the early nineties it seems where they're BAGGY and tapered.. oh its just so sad! Thank heaven some people in the world still have style. Also, our good friend Sarah has noticed the tapered jeans catastrophe, and i quote "He was wearing tapered jeans... ON OUR SECOND DATE" Now really boys, don't break out the tapered jeans until the girl can't run away from you because of your poor quality in style. You have to resist the urge until you are at least dating and she needs a good reason to get rid of you, not that tapered jeans isnt a good reason.

p.s. its also bad when you start seeing girls that have tapered jeans and you can see their "breifs" because they want to be like a man!

that is frightning.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Happily Ever Trapped!

There's something misterious about looking out a window and seeing what seems to be a white wall, looking at a man that is frowning and smiling at the same time. The little dog who's mouth is closed but his tongue still hangs out.

Theres something nostalgic about listning to old cd's. Smelling something that reminds you of the past, or walking through a door you haven't walked through in a long time.

There's a certain theory that goes like this: You don't have to love your past or even like it, but just realize that if you didnt do what you did then you woulden't be who you are, every person and experiance changes who you are and makes you who you are now!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Amos Lee

I've come today to tell you only one thing.

YOU SHOULD BUY THE AMOS LEE CD! I recently purchaced this cd. Its got a tupac(changes)/norah Jones/blue Rodeo feel to it. Really good, if you don't buy it.. at least give it a listen. Now... thats all i have to say.. so... wel..... im gonna go now.. and play solitaire.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Not for those with Weak Stomaches.

If you have a weak stomach, or even just a stomach that isn't strong, i suggest you skip this blog and move on to the next one.

This is definatley one of those, "This girl's guy friend told my friend Sarah who told me" stories. Moving on, if you are having a bad day... this will always remind you that it could DEFINATLEY be worse. So this one night a whole group of people go out partying... of corse there is drinking and such and after everyone is all ready to go aka too INTOXICATED to stay ... a certain girl and certain guy go home together. She feels that she knows the guy well enough that when they get to his/her house... they fool around and she ends up giving him a blow job. So anyway... she goes home sleeps does the norm .... and a few days later she realizes that something is wrong with her mouth.. after realizing that it isn't just some cold or sore throat she goes to the docter and they do the swabby on the throaty ... and send it away for tests..... after the test results come back they call her and say (typically of course) " we need you to come in for your test results" she tries to convice the doc's office to just tell her over the phone but they insist that she comes in. When she does come in they tell her that the reason something seems to be wrong with her mouth is because she has flesh eating disease in it. Now the really bad part is ... this is only transmitted through DEAD PEOPLE........

not that that is bad enough but the creepy part...................... the "certain guy" works in a morgue!

So next time you decide to hook up with someone... find out their place of employment.... could end up being a shady situation!

p.s. hopefully you have a garbage can to puke in!

Monday, August 08, 2005

let me tell you a story....

I really dont feel like telling a story. To many that will most likely be very strange because I almost am always telling a story. Firstly i would like to say that i may in the near future be making a trip to Panoka so if anyone would like to join in on the mental fun join along. Our Tour guide "Sheena" will be giving us a tour of our new home in the Panoka Mental hospital. Now.. i MUST recomend before going to Panoka, the JOSEPH ARTHUR - OUR SHADOWS WILL REMAIN cd. This Cd may just make you feel amazing inside, more amazing then i feel now. Now, for all of you reading this, i also recomend that you visit the Wes McDonell Website ( ) and listen to this music as well, cd's are now on sale at cd baby and you can get the link from this website. Now if you will excuse me.. i must try and prepare for the future as this trip to Panoka may be a stressful one!

Tata for now all...

p.s. Check out this sweet drawing of my hot man angel!!! mm.. So hot! (the legs took me FOREVER)

Someone.. give me advice.. what should i do????? and When should i do it??

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Way I See It

Being an avid Coffee Drinker of Starbucks, I constantly see the "The Way I See it" quotes. Today's was particularly good, so i have decided to quote a quote. I really like this one, give you a little bit of hope and satisfaction at the same time!

The Way I See it #9: We constantly cast the lure of expectations ahead of us hoping to hook a desired piece of the future. Something unimaginable always takes the bait.

ps. Remember all, be careful with your drinks... the contents may burn the user!

<- I can't afford Real Roses... so.. you can have this one! i made it myself!

adopt your own virtual pet!