Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Friday, October 28, 2005

No 4th Wall to Break..

Check out this site:

Pretty Hilarious webcomics.....

<- This Guy is my favorite, he's an asshole like me!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

When Children turn to gambling....

As We sat in a busy resturaunt one ordinary day, we coulden't help but evesdrop on the table approximatley one foot away from ours. "So, I'm getting very tired of these casino's, he's always going and wasting his money" Said the Sad Indecisive Mother. (we'll call her SIM) At this point she starts to tell the other women the story about how her 18 ear old son is always going to the casino and wasting money, etc. After listening to the story the Women in Black.(WIB) says to the SIM, "Well you know, in my house when someone lives there they have to live by my rules. When I say 'no more casino's' , there will be no more casino's." After this their conversation seems to get quite boring, we notice that they are all drinking water with lime and have all ordered the same thing. We talk etc, when again their conversation becomes interesting.

"Lately i've heard alot about ...... YOUNG PEOPLE...... playing POKER and CARDS after work, they're all inviting one another over to 'PLAY POKER'" says the SIM. WIB chimes in " and for MONEY, REAL MONEY!!" Flabergasted, the SIM comes out with a GASP and an"oh my goodness" sounding very sad and dissapointed. Now my associate ........ who will remain unnamed as she embarrased herself, LAUGHS SO LOUD. .... somehow.. i think they knew we were listening.

At this point, their conversation again becomes uninteresting and we spend the few minutes quietly making fun of the dissapointment that young people are playing poker "FOR MONEY". When suddenly SIM finds apeice of hair in her food, she comes out with an "OH no" and sits... seemingly pondering her very existance. WIB askes her "what are you going to do?!?!" Now most of us at this point would just say, oh well, free meal... but no.. she is sooooo dissapointed in this that when the waitress comes over, the SIM is still overcome with sadness and dissapointment that she can barely talk about it. So WIB explains how she found a peice of hair in her food. The waitress is kind, and treats her accordingly..... like someone in the family has died. She kindly asks if she would like another for free, and at this, the SIM has another bout of indecisiveness that WIB has to ask her again...and she finally agrees to free food.

The waitress is gone and WIB exclaims "Lets get back to your OTHER problem... about the gambling"

I dont know what happened after this because we were laughing so hard we had to leave the resturaunt. But you see boys and girls, gambling can cause SUCH a problem in our parents lives.. so the next time you think about playing POKER.... FOR MONEY... just remember what you could be causing...

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Longest Shadows...

One fine day a lonely girl walked down the street. Wondering if those blue eyes would ever return to her, if the dream she had dreamed would come back to her. Could any song bring him back? Could any tale make him understand her feelings? She had once been filled with glimmer and shine, but now all remained was a battered soul with what only seemed to be bad dreams ahead. The days go by and she ages, the girl she was before... she has still not returned.

He comes into her life, she pretends that it is love. There seems to be a glimmer of light, but it quickley fades away with the passing of only one year. Nevermore will she be filled with life, only days muddled together in a series of blurs. The sorrow that constantly drips into her heart comforts her like a dripping tap in the middle of the night. She is reminded of that first love. The first time she gave her whole heart, hoping for the same in return. The glass was half full, and she was the sunshine through that cloudy day. Now all she sees is that half empty glass, and her heart is drowning.

Aimlessly she writes, but there is nothing to write about.. it will never go away, she's waiting for someone she is yet to meet......

Monday, October 17, 2005

dot dot dot...

I was walking down the street the other day, i saw the homeless man mentioned previousley, his dog was gone... i wonder what happened to it, maybe it died.. or maybe he ran away..

In other news, I held a newborn the other day for the first time... he's so cute, his name is Holden.

And now onto blogging.....

Its beginning to feel alot like winter here in calgary, they're calling for snow by Thursday... what kind of Haloween would it be without a snowsuit and snow on the ground? In the new season i have given up my taste for the White Chocolate Mocha and switched to the Chai Latte, Soy milk, and water. These are my staple fluids. A not so recent event, but i have given up my taste in strange music (it came with the dissapearing of my cd's). Since the Breakingintothecarandhavingnocd's event i have picked up some good cd's such as... Arcade Fire, Coldplay, Matt Good (in a coma), Snow Patrol, Bloc Party (AGAIN), Sparta (wiretap scars), LIVE, Joseph Arthur, Amos Lee, Aqualung.... and the list goes on and on... AND ON.. anyway, i'm getting a good collection but it still needs to be built. I'm seriousley considering going back to school for art, maybe taking art history etc and going into Art Appraisal... the life of answering phones , accepting packages and doing random favors.. isnt really for me.

Today i calculated, while working at RS Marketing, how many people i talked to in a 6 month period. In the 6 months that i worked there i talked to an average of 13,000 people. THATS ALOT! And I keep running into the same random creepy guy from there, its weird.

Anyway, i know this isn't the most amazing blog but... this weeks person is Eric. A pretty interesting guy, from montreal... Oh so interested in the matrix, Star Trek and just interesting style... he's gone now, back to Montreal but not without asking when i was going to get a real job and use my talent.. not without saying that i'm welcome to visit him and his wife anytime.. and not without sending flowers thanking everyone for the memories. On that note... we'll miss you eric, You're an awesome guy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Monday, October 10, 2005

I'm in EDMONTON... and the oilers suck!

Well this weekend we took the much needed trip to Edmonton. It's always good when you get the chance to get out and do a little bit of dressup, partying... and yes.. watching napoleon Dynamite. I definatley think i should read the book "Sciences and Centaurs." Anyway... not too much to say... here is a picture of my hot friends. Yes.. it is true.. you all missed out! Yay, we get cable on Wednesday... HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!

adopt your own virtual pet!