Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Thursday, June 30, 2005

A Dream Within a Dream

I have decided that to add to the word of the day, we will also have INTERESTING FACTS!!!! Today's word of the day is POLYGLOT. A person who speaks many differant languages.

An Interesting Fact (dedicated to the copious amounts of mosquitoes in calgary): Only Female Mosquitoes bite, and the apparatus that they suck your blood with is NOT their nose, it is called a proboscis. The Reason why it swells up and is itchy is becasue the mosquitoe leaves some of its saliva and your body proceeds to ATTACK it, its like... when something is healing, its always itchy.. same thing!
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After writing that, i realized that female bugs are quite annoying, like.. if you really think about it... many times the little man spider has to like... HIDE from its woman so that she doesnt eat it! and the woman Mosquitoe drinks our blood.... Something funny you could do is let the mosquitoe drink as much blood from you as it can and then watch it have a hard time fly away... also.. i suppose that could be quite discusting!

A Poet whom i'm sure you know, Edgar Allan Poe ,In 1836 married his 13-year-old cousin Virginia Clemm!

Edgar Allan Poe - A Dream Within A Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

i like it.... a dream within a dream!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ode to Photobooths...

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This is my ode to photobooths, wether color or black and white. I'm sure many a time you have seen a photo booth and thought "gosh darn, i think i'm gonna go have some fun" although it is kindof hard when your alone... we all know the fun times that can be had! Photo Booth: 4 pictures taken consecutivly over a period of 3 minutes.

For example, you are strolling down the mall with one of your good friends when SUDDENLY you see a photo booth.. quickley you SCROUNGE up some money and squeeze through the door. Withen the 3 minutes, you are able to take 4 differant and halarious pozes, wether trying to flash the camera, change outfits completely or just simply changing seate, all can be quite challanging... my peice of advice is... practice photoboothing, this way you will become more experianced in the art and will one day be able to flash, change clothes and positions in all one session! It will definatley give you joy joy feelings inside when after, you get to look at your photos!

I advise all to check out photo #3 of amy and i, this brought many joy joy feelings and after we were caught in the act of laughing for approximatley 15 minutes!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Ya'll should take a joy ride!

First I would like to congradulate Emily on her NEWWWWW BERETTA!!!!!!!! I had the rare privelege of taking a joy ride in it on Saturday night! I must say, it brought excitement to my life. Upon recieving the mail today a Daily Events schedule of an upcoming event came into my hands and i would like to officially announce the upcoming Image hosted by !!! Now I know Ya'll are excited bout hootin an hollerin. I know that little griff will be almost the loudest one there, but that doesn't give none o' ya'll a good reason to not go and enjoy yerself . So saddle up put your ridin boots on and head on down to the CALGARY STAMPEDE, were everyone can have a good time. there'll be beer drinkin, and bull ridin'! Bands Playin and Children Screamin! You'll hear that Cow Mooin, and that Cowboy yellin. I dont wan't none o' yall to be afraid so, just remember... this is a part of ALBERTA, and a part o' Calgary!

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Todays word is SHAKE... check THIS out.... Yeah, theres more where that came from!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Pesant Vision and the BELL Blimp!

Yes I truely say to you all, you may see the blimp. One ordinary day you may be tiding the seemingly already "tidy" board room, when suddenly a Bell BLIMP will just mosey on by the buildings. Now in any of your past lives or this one for that matter, you have not seen the "Bell BLIMP" (which will now be referred to as "BBlimp") and it makes you rather excited that you are reciving the good fortune to see this magnificant device. If you did not get the chance to see this BBlimp today, you may have seen it in Victoria in April! Those of you with pesant vision may not be able to catch this phenominon on television, but for only $45.00 a month you can be UPGRADED!!! Image hosted by <- You may feel joyful when finding that "you have been upgraded!!" For those who unfortunatley, will not be upgraded, are only enjoying pesant vision or are completely oblivious to the world, this is the BBlimp was seen hovering over the city of calgary on June the 15th! Image hosted by

p.s. Today's word of the day is FebRUary. I can now spell it correctly, and if that is wrong.... i may slap myself in the face promptly!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


My word of the day for today is Subside. As in "The Flood waters Calgary was facing are beginning to subside."

As this is the truth! And just in time for the convention! The sun is finally poking through the clouds for the first time in about 10 days! we WILL see summer. funny how it came RIGHT AFTER we bought tanning minutes! no.. i don't see any irony, although that probally isnt the correct use of the word, i still don't see it! or perhaps i do. i dont know... WHAT I DO KNOW.. Beer has taken the floor and Jack has sequestered. Fear creeps over her as she realizes she forgot to send a most important package, this fear is calmed by the fact that she will soon be enjoying a doubletallsugarfreenonfatvanillalatte. I leave you with one question... is there any reason why I should stop drinking coffee?

And i bid you adieu.
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I only ask you to see in it... what you see in it... life isn't always what it seems.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Music You should hear-- Jack Tells you to!

I have nothing to say except for you should check out these bands!!

Bloc Party {Silent Alarm}

Kaki King {Legs To Make Us Longer}

Death from above 1979

Sparta (of course)

Arcade Fire

Anna Nalick

DEFINATLEY DEFINATLEY DEFINATLEY check out the first two (bloc Party and Kaki King) Realy really good!

See ya FOOOOOLS... p.s. Take the new poll! Jack is winning!

adopt your own virtual pet!