Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Friday, May 27, 2005

The good, the bad and the forgotten!

I dedicate this to...... my dearest Tweety... She was a good bird!

" Humas are creatures of habit." <- Ever heard that expression before? Many times i'm sure, but if you really think about it, what else would we be other than creatures of habit, its not like EVERY SINGLE DAY you're going to wake up and not do ANYTHING the same as the day before, yes because.... people have to go potty! you may never go in the same place...... although highly unlikely.. so there we go.. already creatures of habit! This leads into change, its funny how people don't like change unless it HAS to happen. You can say, i dont want it to change, no no no no no, but we all know.. it is still going to. After you accept that things are going to change, you change you habits on purpose, to stop reminding you the way it used to be. If you never changed, you would be stuck forever, wearing the same perfume... and looking at the same pictures! I hate change, I like the new perfume i found, but i dont want to forget ..... anything that has ever happened... it will happen, but i wish it wouldent. I would take almost any experiance and say "i'm glad it happened" because (i'm sure you've heard this one too) "its better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all" ... this doesnt just apply to "love" take sports... "its better to have played and lost, then never to have played at all" for example. It applies to all aspects of life, if you didn't have experiances you woulden't be who you are today. So in conclusion, i would like to say i dont like change, but i'm glad it happens.... and the word of the day.... bum bum bum BUUUMMM>.........
  • Esoteric
  • two people in the last couple of weeks said this word to me.. .AND I WAS SO SURPRISED... this is like.. my favorite word EVER.. and i dont think i've ever heard anyone but me use it! Exciting!

    and now..... I would like to mention that everyone should be checking out my voicemail, it changes regularly and right now , is quite halarious.

    Tuesday, May 17, 2005

    Like a Rose growing through a pile of dog poo.

    Ever Have one of those years where it just SUCKS? If no, lets go with just a WEEK that sucks, everyone has had those. Where you wake up in the Mornin, Positive as a Battery get ready for work, just to realize that your CAR has been completely filled with RANSACKARY! Your Prized belongings, including your new pink bag are all missing or strewn across the neighborhood. And just because thats how life goes, they took your favorite cd too. Now by this point no matter when you leave you'll be late for work, so you call in saying "I probally wont be there for a while", get patronized and have to answer approximatley 53 questions on why you will be late and what happened. You gather your things from the street to realize you will be going to work Musicless. Jump in your car, and go to the train station, but because it is now 9:00am there is ABSOLUTLEY NO PARKING.. so its, get a ticket, get towed, or dont go to work. You park, get on the train and go to work... arrive late with about one milion things to do and get at it.. the day is Crap, and you dont get lunch! FINALLY its over back to the train station and to you complete SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have a PARKING TICKET.... now that makes 3! You're so tired, a lady cuts you off, a stupid kid just WALTZES in front of your car... so naturally you LAY ON THE HORN! Finally you get home, make dinner and as the conversation moves on and suddenly out of nowhere you have a new inside joke... we willrefer to this as "LETS HAVE SOME CAKE!" out of the whole day.. you finally are laughing for about 10 minutes straight as well as random times after that... you go to bed and wake up the next day... again... Optimistic but your clock is set ahead, you rush out of the house.. without keys, your swipe card or glasses... looks like you'll be getting to have a migrane for the REST OF THE WEEK!... luckey person! But just remember the inside joke... its like the rose in the pile of dog poo!

    Friday, May 13, 2005

    The "real" Smarties, a Phenominon that Never came to Canada!

    Interesting Facts 101!

    Today I found out a most interesting fact.. Some how This glorious phenominon never Hit Canada. Real Smarties, Originating in England.. Had Orange smarties.. Now I hear you saying well "we have orange smarties too!" but you see, In England the orange smarties have ORANGE Chocolate inside of them! It is quite Amazing, i got to enjoy these "original" smarties just today, and i highly recomend going to England and Getting some Smarties!

    Thursday, May 12, 2005

    YEE HAW!!!

    Well my friends, we have successfully entered the warm tender months, also known as Calgary Summerishwinterthing. During this season, if living in Calgary, you will have the great chance to: Go camping and get snowed on, Get snowed into your home on July 31, Tan in the great outdoors with the snow, Go swimming in a man made lake, Have a BBQ during a blizzard, Have a campfire next to a frozen lake, and many other Joyus occations.

    During Calgary's Summerishwinterthing, you will also get to visit the greatest outdoor show on earth also known as "The Calgary Stampede." Most of the time, during the Calgary stampede we will be blessed with good weather, as in not - 20! As im sure many have noticed, i do have a poll ----------------------------> on this event. I suggest EveryoneNow i'm not sure which person would be crazy enough to call me a homo because i have fun at stampede. It surely is a pimping good time! If though you do not see the glorious times enjoyed at the CS let me share them with you. 1) The Chuckwagon Races, 2) Rodeo, 3) Beer Gardens, 4) Nashville North, 5) Concerts at Coke Stage, 6) Rides (the fun ones.. Drop of fear, the big bunji thing, free fall etc.) 7) KARAOKE!! 8) Cowboys, 9) Heavy Horse Pull, 10) Bannok!

    There you go, at least 10 good reasons to go and visit the stampede, i could go on forever you know it is just a good time.... Ya'll should go down there this year! Take Jack and all your friends with you, Captain Morgan, Mike.... you get the point!

    Thursday, May 05, 2005

    I have a new hero!

    So Cheryl's daughter was being harrassed by a boy in her school...he was saying things like she had a big butt, and calling her slut etc..., she one day turned to him and said "You know...your the load your mother should have swallowed" he stood there with his mouth open after that!!!!

    That is one of the best burns i think i've ever heard! and she's only 14!

    Tuesday, May 03, 2005

    Do YOU live in a movie?

    ITS MAY!! BAH! thats all i have to say for this line!

    Ever feel like you are sitting on the sidelines watching a movie about your own life? You're sitting on the train or driving in your car, walking down the street just listning to music, when a flood of memories come on. Its like a flashback in a movie, you see all these differant things in your head and they seem real. You are in and out of this feeling, first because the song changes, then because the lady sitting beside you is nodding off but her elbow keeps falling off the window sill jerking her awake. A new song comes on, and you see a couple walking down the street and drift back into your "movie world" and its weird because it ACTUALLY feels like your living in a movie. You can see yourself looking around, and everyone looking at you, the music fits, and so do the memories. You feel at peace because movies always have good endings somehow. But then, you snap out of it, its time to get off the train/out of the car and you realize, that wasnt your life, it was what you wanted it to be. And in real life, there are few happy endings.

    Ever feel that way?

    adopt your own virtual pet!