Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Monday, October 13, 2008


Why is it so hard to tell your friends that their hurting your feelings? Why do they never understand what you're trying to say to them? Am I just really terrible at talking to people and for some reason they don't understand what i'm saying? Its likely i guess. I just put way too much into things and then just wind up getting hurt because I'm too sensitive about it. Maybe I just need to learn to be more hard hearted.

Is being hard hearted what it's all about though? Is that what i'm supposed to be? Is everyone just going to hate me becuase I want to see my friends. Look at her friends, they hang out together all the time for the last 5 years. How is this different? Why should i only want to see her once in a blue moon? why should it matter that she sees her other friend only once every two months? It doesn't matter to me. I don't want to hang out with different people every day. Am i completely wrong? Should i just be flighty and not care? Ken sees the friends that he's had for the past 6 years every week. I barely see her anymore. No, i don't mind that you have other friends, but don't just write me off. Unless maybe you just don't want to see me anymore at all. I don't stand for waiting around for people.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Pickles and Chocolate Cake

Is there anyone else out there that just sits and thinks about garbage? and just does garbage things? hangs out with garbage people? has a garbage job? is there anyone out there that isn't actually a garbage person, but completely has a garbage life? I think there is.

If she wants to dance and drink all night, there's no one that can stop her. This is night is going to end when we're damn well ready for it to be over. We do what we do to get by. They don't know nothin about redemption, or recovery. There were moments of gold and flashes of light, the wind was so cold, the sun was so cruel. They never stop playing their song.

Garbage people make for a garbage world.

What is my next turn? Perhaps an offering of pickles and chocolate Cake will do the trick..... somehow i don't think so.

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