Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Friday, November 17, 2006

From what I once was..

A realization that something that once meant the world to her, is now just a distant memory that she doesn't care about. It seems as if life has started over, and everything has been reset, a second chance has been provided, with a heart thats ready for something fresh.. something that is already there, waiting to be hers...

... She's ready to take the chance...

and the chance is ready to be taken..

This is for you.. Please remember the things I've said..

Friday, November 03, 2006

Today you are who you want to be

Its scary to me to realize that the people you think are the strongest, can sometimes be the most lost. Is it only because you want to see that person as your stronghold that when they break down your so shocked? What do you do to help someone that you've never had to help before? I guess sacrifice is what it comes down to. The people you love are the ones you need to stand up for.

adopt your own virtual pet!