Inspiration: I know you are but what am I? - Mogwai

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It could be different

I always think that saying "what if" is useless. But what if we had never decided to go to the meeting that day? Things could be different.

Friday, February 17, 2006

From the dark depths... it escapes

Its funny how different trials in your life affect you. Something that you thought would be the hardest thing to get over, is really not that hard. In fact, it seems so easy you wonder why you didn't change the situation so much earlier. At the same time though, they're so important, if you hadn't been in that situation, you most likely wouldn't be where you are now. Obviousley this could be good or bad. I disagree when people say "everything happens for a reason" when referring to 'fate.' You decide your own life, how happy or sad or enjoyable it is, its up to you! Yes, everything does happen for 'a reason' and that reason is the decisions that we've made.

I am always struck with dissapointment when it seems that decisions in someones life are being made by someone other than themself. I guess this happens alot... but you only get one shot at life, do what you want to! If you want to make stirfry on Valentines day, DO IT... if you want to eat Taco time.. DO IT!... If you want to quit your job for no apparent reason, DO IT.. you only get to live once! Why do we always have to be slaves of our own life? REBEL i say! Do the extraordinary, or unordinary.. just do whatever.. its your life, you're the one that has to live it!

This is a picture from our trip to VAN Island. The sky turned out to look SO amazing.. it looks like a backdrop. There were many amazing things seen there! What a fun good time, Perhaps I shall move there!

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