Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The mystery of the missing chocolate...
Now to you this may sound like someone lost their chocolate bar, or perhaps they're chocolate cake, or maybe someone stole their chocolate raisins. But I am not talking about cake or raisins. As they walked into safeway on a lovely November evening, she admitted she had been craving chocolate milk. They went to the back, picked up eggnog, silk and some chocolate milk. (Now you may be thinking that this is turning out to be a very boring story, but there may be a turn of events)
They got in their amazing little car and drove home. Upon arrival in the kitchen she put everything away and opened the chocolate milk for a nice refreshing glass, but to her surprise it didnt seem to be mixed. She held it shut and shook it violently, opened it... and it was still not mixed. At this point frustration started to set in and she decided to taste the milk. To her surprise, it didn't taste anything like chocolate milk. It was in fact, WHITE MILK, in a chocolate milk container. At this point everyone was so dissapointed that they all cried themselvs to sleep.
There would be no chocolate in this milk tonight.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
the man...
As the man sat there in his chair in front of her, she wondered.... "what is he doing... he's kinda creepy looking, IS HE PLAYING WITH HIS ZIPPER!?!?!?!" Yes these are the things that went through her head as he sat there, and as he walked away, weird sweater and all.. she was left smirking.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
adopt your own virtual pet! |